We are given three entire months to receive the message winter offers, and to begin to integrate the season’s symbolism into our daily life. During December’s cold days and nights, it is the perfect time to stay in, to go within; to take a pause to ponder, be still, hibernate, and find warmth.
Pause during work.
How many of us take one hour for lunch? To sit still and to let that winter sun warm our body, even if we are sitting indoors, to have our lunch in quietude?
Pause to look around.
When was the last time you looked at the moving clouds in the sky, or noticed the long row of birds warming themselves on power lines, and allowed such scenes to inspire you?
Pause to wonder.
How many of us take time to ponder our life and the world around us? What is working and what needs further development in us? By developing in us what we want to see out in the world, we can help to change it.
Pause before responding.
How often do we pause before we respond to someone’s accusation or judgement? Or pause before we are about to accuse or judge someone else?
Pause to recharge.
Do we give permission to ourselves to hibernate at times? To allow an hour, one morning, or a day of not being productive, of not looking at our watch, of not having any plans at all, allowing the day to flow and watch what it brings?
Pause to stay safe.
Do we protect ourselves from the “cold”? From punitive people or situations? Do we know how to place boundaries to protect ourselves?
Pause to notice who keeps you warm.
Do you stop to notice who loves you, and who you love? To notice where is love coming from in your life, and who or what you pour your love into? Who do we have in our life to hold our hand in hard times? Who keeps us warm by supporting our being?
These are only a few ways of interpreting winter’s messages in our daily life. Give it a try.
Good Journeying
yolanda koumidou